Meitheenda Kalai is an Ancient Art of Tamils, practiced still in Tamil Nadu region of India. Meitheenda Kalai Aasaan practice The Founder of this Art is Sage Agathiyar, who lived in South Podhigai Mountains in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu Sage Agathiyar - Founder of Meitheenda Kalai In Tamil the term MEI = BODY; THEENDA = NO TOUCH; KALAI = ART Thus, the Meitheenda Kalai literally means "The Art of No Touch" Just like how a coin has two different side head and tail, similarly, Meitheenda Kalai also has got two different sides. They are: Martial Art, Knock out Healing Let us see about these two aspects in detail now:\ MEITHEENDA KALAI MARTIAL ART: The art of No Touch Knock Out is divided into 4 different divisions. They are: Sundu Varmam Oothu Varmam Nokku Varmam and Meitheenda Nokku Varmama (Distance Nokku Varmam) Sundu Varmam is the art of pointing out the Index finger towards the opponenet Oothu Varmam is the pr...